There are many reasons to form a company. One of the most crucial is the protecting of assets. An experienced Idaho Falls attorney can help you secure your business and create a structure that will enable your company to thrive.
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Forming a company can be done for a lot of reasons. Sometimes for tax purposes, you can get tax breaks by having certain organizations rather than others. The other big one is liability protection. By forming an LLC or an S-Corp, or any kind of corporation, you get corporate protection, which means that people can sue those companies, but they can’t necessarily get through those companies to get to your own personal assets. So I would say those are generally the two biggest reasons, tax protection and liability protection.
I want to form a company. How do I do that?
Forming a company can potentially be a complicated process. Your Idaho Falls business law attorney can help you through the steps to form a successful company and increase your chances of success in a competitive economy.
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You can form a company generally by filing articles with the Secretary of State in the state that you reside. That could take a lot of different shapes, kind of depending on what kind of company you’re doing.
For example, with an LLC, you will file articles of organization with the state. With a corporation you’ll file articles of corporation. You also need to put together by-laws and operating agreements, those types of things. We do all that for you, just schedule an appointment.
When starting a business, you will want to consult with an Idaho Falls Business Attorney to decide which type of entity best fits your needs can be a challenge. At Pendlebury Law Office, PA, we can walk you through the requirements for different business entities and help you choose the option that best fits your needs. Some of these options include sole proprietorship, partnerships, Corporations (including S-Corps), and LLCs.
Forming the right type of business is often only the beginning. Making your business work effectively can be a challenge. At Pendlebury Law Office, we can assist with business transactions and litigation to ensure that you are treated fairly in your dealings.
Additionally, should you experience difficulties obtaining payment for your efforts, Pendlebury Law Office, PA also has extensive experience in collections, and can help use the courts to ensure you are paid for your hard work.
Call or email us today to see how your Idaho Falls Business Attorney can help you achieve success in your business ventures.